Spob resources describe stellar objects, such as planets and space stations. (spob stands for space object) Each spob resource represents one stellar object, whose name is the name as the name of the resource. The first three fields tell EV where to put the stellar and what graphics to use for it:
xPos & yPos The stellar's X and Y positions in the system (0, 0) is centered
Type Which graphic to use, from 0 to 63.
The next field stores the flag bits that tell EV what many of the characteristics of the stellar are. Perform an OR operation on the following flags to get the final flag value:
0x00000001 Can land/dock here
0x00000002 Has commodity exchange
0x00000004 Can outfit ship here
0x00000008 Can buy ships here
0x00000010 Stellar is a station instead of a planet
0x00000020 Stellar is uninhabited (no traffic control)
0x00000040 Has bar
0x00000000 Won't trade in food
0x10000000 Low food prices
0x20000000 Medium food prices
0x40000000 High food prices
0x00000000 Won't trade in industrial goods
0x01000000 Low industrial prices
0x02000000 Medium industrial prices
0x04000000 High industrial prices
0x00000000 Won't trade in medical supplies
0x00100000 Low medical prices
0x00200000 Medium medical prices
0x00400000 High medical prices
0x00000000 Won't trade in luxury goods
0x00010000 Low luxury prices
0x00020000 Medium luxury prices
0x00040000 High luxury prices
0x00000000 Won't trade in metal
0x00001000 Low metal prices
0x00002000 Medium metal prices
0x00004000 High metal prices
0x00000000 Won't trade in equipment
0x00000100 Low equipment prices
0x00000200 Medium equipment prices
0x00000400 High equipment prices
The next field, System contains the ID number of the star system that the stellar object is in. The four flags after that tell EV what items and ships are available for purchase at this stellar:
TechLevel What the base tech level of the stellar is. Only items and ships with TechLevels at or below this value will be available.
SpecialTech (x3) Holds the special tech levels of this stellar. Unlike the previous field, only items and ships with exactly this TechLevel will appear here. This is useful for making low-tech worlds that also have a few high-tech items, or for flagging an item with an absurdly high TechLevel (say 15000) and then setting one of the SpecialTech fields of a particular stellar to that same value, thus making that item appear at that stellar and nowhere else.
The next two fields contain info on the stellar's governmental affiliation:
Govt What government controls this stellar
-1 ignored (stellar is independent)
128-255 ID number of the stellar's government
MinCoolness The point on your record in the current system that you'll be denied landing clearance on this stellar.
-1 and below You can be this evil before they shun you
0 and up They have to like you this much before they let you land
The next pair of fields tells EV which special landscape to show and which ambient sound to play.
CustPicID Which custom landscape (333x271 PICT resource) to show
-1 No custom landscape
Anything else ID number of PICT to load instead of the standard landscape display
CustSndID Which ambient sound to play
-1 No ambient sound effect
Anything else ID number of snd resource to load (must be 11kHz)
The last two fields tell EV what kind of ships, if any, to create for the planet's defense fleet:
DefenseDude Which type of dude to use for the defense fleet:
-1 Ignored (no defense ships)
128-255 ID number of the dude resource to use to determine the defense ships' characteristics
DefCount The number of ships in the defense fleet. If you set this number to be above 1000, ships will be launched from the planet or station in waves. The last number in this field is the number of ships in each wave, and the first 3-4 numbers (minus 1 from the first digit) are the total number of ships in the planet's fleet. For example, a value of 1082 would be four waves of two ships for a total of eight. A value of 2005 would create waves of five ships each, with 100 ships total in the planet's defense fleet.